
By LadyFindhorn

The Early Bird Selkies

It doesn’t take long for me to feel part of the fabric of Stromness again. After the wonderful meal with IainatCreel and CMC last night it was back to unpack and feel settled in with everything put away in the usual drawers.

The sun wakened me early this morning and having thought I would swim at 10am, I decided to go with the early birds at 8am. There was little wind, the sea was calm and with the sun shining, it made my inaugural dip memorable. There were 6 of us and 3  swam out to the second buoy while three of us did  laps back and forth to the first buoy. It takes me a few days deciding  to swim so far out knowing how much longer it feels coming back.

And still the sun shone as I went for a coffee sitting outside at the harbour and then walking by the side of the water for a trawl of the Stromness Coop for things I missed yesterday. 

The horses in the Olympics Dressage event were dancing to the National Anthem and the French Marseillaise as I got home. How on earth do they train them to do that?Don’t mention whips!

It’s a bit iffy weather wise now as I write this in the garden with just a wall between me and the sea. The wind has picked up a little and the water is slapping rhythmically on the stones beneath me. It’s still bright but there is the odd drop of rain carried in on the wind to remind me of worse to come tomorrow. 
The ‘bweeping’ of a curlew is loud and clear as it flies overhead. I should probably go back into the house now but it’s so mild and peaceful sitting here. It may not be like this again for a few days.

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