
By Pinkhairedlady

Fallen woman

A pre breakfast walk round Newbattle with Phin saw me tripping over one of the many tree roots and landing hard on my left knee. I was quite winded and it took me a good couple of minutes to work out how to stand up again. Felt very silly!

I headed into town after a Kate breakfast to meet my friend Susan so we could attend a matinee performance of Forth on the Fringe. The local radio breakfast hosts act as competes and you never know which acts you’re going to see until you get there and see them. This mix this time round was a number of comedians including Patrick Monaghan, a magician, musical acts and the most wonderful acrobatic group of five guys who opened the show.

We had a late lunch booking at a cocktail bar/restaurant in the St James quarter and whilst having a cocktail afterwards I spotted the crowds below waiting to enter a pro collagen playground, whatever one if those is!

Thanks to this month’s host for Silly Saturday.

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