
By BanksiaMan


It's nice to be back on Blipfoto after a 6-week break. I've missed the daily disciple of photographing, selecting and reflecting on the day. Also enjoying the journals of fellow Blippers. I may not quite be back full-time at this stage but it's getting close.

Since I last blipped in late June we've bought into a retirement village in Brisbane, sold our town-house in Lennox Head and arranged a furniture removalist to do the hard work of getting from here to there.

This has involved a great deal of talking with real estate agents and lawyers. I'm reminded of a line from the movie Cat Ballou where a character, having a very bad day, says: they tried to take my ranch off me, threw manure down my well and made me talk to lawyers

It's all been reasonably OK so far and we hope for a good outcome.

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