
By CleanSteve

Sunflowers at Stancombe Beech farm

I drove up to the farm shop to replenish the stock of cards they sell for me.  I’m made to feel one of the workers there which is very pleasing. I’d had to leave the card racks empty for a couple of days because on Monday I needed to help Kate arrange to get her car repaired so she can get home to Argyll as soon as possible. The car had sudddenly broken down on Sunday evening just as Kate and Helena neared the centre of Stroud when returning from their camping trip to the Gower, and then the Green Gathering in Chepstow. The AA breakdown service man advised getting it repaired!

I restocked the card display and then bought a few vegetables some of which were grown on the farm. Ashley, who is the farmer, came into the shop carrying some newly harvested bunches of sunflowers so I quickly grabbed a bunch. I love sunflowers as they particularly remind me of my childhood holidays spent in southern France, mostly camping in sand dunes on the beach near Bormes-les-Mimosas.

When I asked where they were growing on the farm this year, Ashley said they were by their Dutch barn on one of the fields furthest away from the shop. I thought I’d go and see them for myself, but I found that they had a new gate leading to the Dutch barn and that field. I think security on farms is more necessary these days sadly. I parked and walked along the road and peered over the Cotswold stone wall. the sunflower crop is still very young with only a few heads appearing, none of which are very large yet. I’ll come back in. week or so and ask Ashley’s permission to enter the field to get close-ups of the flowers and the many bees that will definitely be feeding on them.

I’m blipping this view of the crop as a reminder in my journal of the height of summer, as well adding an ‘Extra’, showing the cereal crop right beside the Dutch barn. Last time I photographed in this field it was full of a multitude of different vegetables, including red cabbages, carrots, leeks, cauliflowers and pumpkins. I love being welcome to walk about their fields and the family is very happy to have my photographic record. Ashley is going to let me know when the combine harvesters come in a couple of weeks time.

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