curns' corner

By curns

Live and intimate

We've onboarded several new engineers and are sub-dividing the team— his morning, we discussed how that might work. Afterwards, I gave the presentation I prepared on Friday. There were very few questions at the end, meaning I covered everything successfully or people were confused. I guess I will figure that out over time.

After work, we did some more work on the doors at the back of the house. We sanded doors that were not started yesterday, and then PY applied a coat of varnish. It was quite productive, given that we'd only had an hour before we were out the door to The Crazy Coqs.

Tonight, Lucy May Barker performed a live and intimate show. Due to a number of calendar clashes, we haven't been to a 'CC Presents' event for a few weeks. It was great to see MRP in good spirits.

The show was great—lots of beautifully performed songs and enthusiastic showbiz chat. Tom Dickerson, apparently on the Dear Evan Hansen Tour, sang a duet of 'Suddenly, Seymour,' which amused me a lot. I had a couple of glasses of wine, which contributed to my falling asleep on the sofa when we got home.

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