
By PorridgeWog

View from the garden (Day 3375)

The plan for today was that I would meet mum in town at 10am for a meeting with the lawyer. I had decided that I would hold off going to work until after the lawyer's as I didn't want to show up filthy.
Plans for work were changed by an early morning phone call asking if I would like the surgery on my knee to take place on the 30th of August, and if so would I be able to get to the hospital for a pre-op health check at noon. After the lawyer's appointment I collected stuff from the plumbers merchant, realised I needed tools I had left at home, zoomed home to collect them, then back to the hospital. It was a much later start to the day than I would have liked, but I was able to get most of the first fix pipework in place for a house extension I have been asked to get involved with. it is much easier to do it now when there are no floors, than have to feed pipe and myself under the floor later.
Back home later I took a quick snap of the view from the bottom of the garden before heading off for dinner with my beautiful wife, M&A. A quick visit to Mum to collect Sigyn and see Birsay finished off the day nicely. Tomorrow I will be back at the bathroom re-fit.

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