Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Ripening Berries

I'm still getting pain in my Achilles, despite not playing badminton for a few weeks, so I didn't join L up on the Chase today.  Instead I did some Blipfoto admin behind the scenes before a short walk to the chemist to collect some repeat prescriptions.

I took one of the cameras with the macro lens looking for something to blip and came across these berries in amongst the trees on the playing fields.  Perhaps not the best subject for anyone that is colour blind.  It reminded me that my father suffered from this condition, though he was a prolific cricketer so obviously had little issue with seeing a red ball on the grass.  He told me once that the condition resulted in him being made a spotter in the RAF during World War II as he was less likely to be fooled by camouflage.

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