Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Tino had a vets appointment this afternoon - just his yearly check up and booster jab. I don't usually have any trouble getting him into the cat buggy but today when he saw it he disappeared under the sofa and wouldn't come out.  I knew I couldn't grab him so I sat down and " pretended " I wasn't bothered about him hiding.  After a while he came out and I grabbed him.  Put him into the buggy - he was very angry.  As usual he complained all the way to the vets.

When it was our turn to be seen he wouldn't come out of the buggy - even for some Dreamies.  So I just had to grab him and pull him out -  not easy as he was clinging on to the sides.  I put him on the table and he quickly jumped off and went back in the buggy.  Got him out again and held him tightly while the vet examined him and gave him the jab,  He was very annoyed and growly.  Luckily he's not a cat who scratches or bites so I knew I was safe.  When the vet was finished and I let him go he went back in the buggy in a flash.  Paid the bill and we were off home.  He was worn out this afternoon and retreated under the throw on the sofa.  See Extra.

We came home via the park where I got my Tiny Tuesday blip shot.  The theme is Leaves.  I think this plant is a variety of violet.( there weren't any flowers ) I like the heart shaped leaves. Thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting.

I was going to do some ironing when I got home but I couldn't be bothered.  Watched a lot of Olympic action - women's skateboarding, various cycling events, mens 1,500metres final , women's 3,000 metres steeplechase final, mens long jump and ladies discus.

Weather today was sunny and warm.  I think there was some rain through the night but not the thunderstorms that were forecast.

Steps today 6,815

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