
By Ingleman

What Do You See?

Today I visited Heath Chapel.

A place of extraordinary historic interest. A place of such powerful presence and spirit that it is difficult for me to put into words the feelings, the connections to the past and the sheer atmosphere of the place that I felt as I wandered into it.

It is in a field. In a remote village. In a quiet corner of Shropshire.

And it is magnificent.

A tiny Norman Chapel. Unseen from the road, you would not know it was there unless....unless you knew it was there.

It is glorious in it's diminuitive simplicity. It is a journey down the centuries to a place in history that we may well have forgotten about.

My blip is one of many pictures taken on a bright sunny day. It is a section of old stone wall, whitewashed at some point in the past. But beneath the flaking paint are remarkable glimpses of script, frieze, and paintings dating back over 700 years.

There is a notice asking visitors to avoid touching the walls, so fragile are these traces of the past that they may be irreparably damaged.

Heath Chapel is a Grade 1 listed building. It is important. It is quiet and unnassuming and utterly beautiful.

I will be using more pictures for my main journal, so fascinated was I to be allowed to enter and see for myself this quiet, simple and wonderful place.

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