The Golden Hour

Really Golden.

The light just, before sunset, is often referred to as the golden hour. Tonight, I'd have to agree. We went to dinner in Traverse City then decided to get a coffee and walk along the bay (camera in tow of course). There were several people still at the beach finishing out a day of sun and a few birds scattered about. The temperature was so pleasant with the breeze coming in off the bay. Everywhere else it was hot and sticky, so we picked a perfect spot for an evening stroll. As we walked, a group of Northern Pintails swam along the shore frantically eatting some invisible delight off of the surface of the water. The were fun to watch and I photographed them, but it didn't appear that the shots were anything special or even useable. Until... that moment when the sun is at the perfect angle, glowing low through the atmosphere, and creating a golden hew. That's when I got this shot and this shot only. It didn't last long and the ducks didn't cooperate for more images. But, lucky for me, this one turned out.

We came home and took the dogs for a walk down the road. Hot & sticky!! Next time we should take them to the bay with us.

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