Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


A nice lie in. I was going to get up early and go into the office, but I thought stuff that, I need sleep. So that is what I did.

Wandered across to the office, and shock of shocks four people were already in when I arrived. I nearly fainted. Lol!

It was packed in the end. Every Tom, Dick and Harry was in. I kept to myself and stuck my headphones in and listened to some music whilst working.

With all the lunchtime temptation around the office, today I went to the Indian street food place and had a very yummy and filling chicken biryani. Very satisfying.

Late on I was a guest on a podcast about business improvement. I think it went really well, at least I hope so. When it goes live, I'll post a link for you to listen to. Lol!

Eventually made it home after 10pm. Shattered.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A lie in
2.  Losing myself into some music
3.  Being invited as a guest for a podcast

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