Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Bruges day 1

After a very early morning start (3.30), we were in London for about 8 and then on the Eurostar headed for Brussels. The journey was good without any delays. Once in Brussels, we found our onward train to Bruges after a bit of searching. I'd researched that the hotel was a 30 minute walk from the station so when we arrived in Bruges, we chose to walk instead of catching a bus. We were still feeling quite fresh and thought this would give us the opportunity to explore a little and get our bearings.  The streets and pavements in Bruges are almost completely cobbled or bricks which made pulling cases quite difficult.  In hindsight, if I did the journey again, I'd catch a free bus (called the Kiss and Ride!) that we discovered picks up and drops off at various places in the city centre.
After finally arriving at our hotel (the Crowne Plaza), we had a short rest, unpacked, freshened up and headed out to explore and eat. We both chose omelette and chips and then had a waffle from one of the street vendors. I'd been looking forward to the waffles but was a bit disappointed with it. The atmosphere was lovely, the architecture stunning, and we were really impressed with our first taste of Bruges. 

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