
By biddy

A Comma butterfly on the Osteospurmum.

The day has whizzed past.
A check up at the dentist this morning at 10:30 and a session with the hygenist beforehand!
Home for a bite to eat.
Off to the chiropractor for 1:00pm.
Back home once more to bring the washing indoors, then out once again to meet up with the group who have coffee after Pilates,
There was no class today as it was our teacher’s birthday.
A friend of ours is coming to tea.
Stephen’s homemade pizza will be made!
When I got back from seeing the group, I noticed this Comma butterfly flitting about as I was taking the washing off the line.
It took me several goes till I finally managed to get a photo!
The other thing I keep forgetting to mention is there are lots of bumble bees now on the lavender!

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