
By biddy

Looking through…….

……..the bottom of my glass of water.
It’s been a damp, and at times drizzly day.
I begin each morning by doing my back exercises on my Pilates mat in the back bedroom.
It does help.
Then off out into the garden after breakfast to scatter some Patch Magic lawn seed over the area where the dying shrub was taken out,
Stephen had dug it all over and added two bags of compost.
As the lawn seed needed watering in I’d got the garden hose ready.
But in the event, it wasn’t really needed as we did have some actual rain at one point.
The cleared ground is at the top of the garden abutting the end of the lawn. Eventually it will just become part of it.
The tall ornamental grass we bought last week, is now in a really large blue garden pot, sitting in the space where the shrub was removed.
After lunch I had a frustrating time at first trying to renew the car tax for September 1st this year. ( The car is registered in my name)
I had a reminder drop through the post and it came with a website which offered an easier way to do it!
As it came from our bona fide car dealers, along with the site to use and a code to access I tried it. The car registration was accepted but not their code!
I gave up on that one after several attempts and used the DVLC site instead,
All done and dusted in 3 minutes!
At some point now before tea I need to pack a few things in our overnight case. We are going up to see a friend of ours in the Wirral tomorrow for the day, before moving off up to stay near Chorley overnight in order to spend Saturday with Heidi our former daughter-in-law, who now finally has had the keys to the little house she has bought. She has been staying with her aunt and uncle since last November, with her little weiner dog, having decided to return to live here once more from Austin, Texas.
She hasn’t had an easy life in many ways.
Married to our Matthew who died aged 30 and she was 28, then 5 years later in 2011 remarrying to a Texan (too long a story to explain how they came to meet up here in the UK), and relocating first to Dallas, then Austin.
We went over there several times to visit them both.
But sadly he decided he wanted a divorce just before Lockdowns began in 2020. In Texas divorces are very quick!
She spent the whole of lockdown on her own.
Chorley is where she was born, and she still has quite a few old schoolfriends up there. Her mum died young and she doesn’t have any contact with her dad who took off and went to Thailand years back.
Amazingly enough she applied for and got the job as Church Administrator at the church where she and our Matt were married, also in Chorley.
It is a very large church and growing. Lots of younger people.
It’s called Living Waters,
We ‘re looking forward to seeing the house!
Well must go and sort out some things for in the morning.
Then it will be teatime,

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