secret garden

By freespiral


A murky grey day and I nipped into Bantry for emergency supplies - soap, body lotion, shampoo, Epsom salts - and was horrified at how much it all cost. I suppose I was just out of everything at the same time but -oof.  I then went to the library and was spoiled for choice for books (duh, what a surprise) and came back with far too many - you only get a fortnight before the overdue notices start politely arriving. 
Coming back I stopped at this amazing field full of umbellifers (*this one's for you Kendall) . Last year this patch of land was a wreck, full of building debris . A large hole was made, stuff buried and this year it's a sight to behold. I think it's hogweed - not giant hogweed which is poisonous nor hemlock which poor old Socrates was forced to imbibe, with fatal consequences. But I could very well be wrong.  Montbretia, thistles and wild lupin are also scattered amongst the umbellifers - such a satisfactory word.  
Edit: this seems to be wild carrot - thank you gen2 and Nicoiseannie. 

Has anyone else been watching the House of the Dragon. The last episode (yesterday) has been criticized for being underwhelming, with a massive build up and leaving us hanging.  True, it felt as though there should be one more episode in this series but I am impressed how they have dared to be slow and thoughtful, human and philosophical amongst all the carnage and dragons. Now we have to wait another two years before there's any resolution - and maybe not even then.

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