The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A polar bear resting under a tree

Ok, not really in Stroud. That was the Green Gathering in Chepstow at the weekend. I could not find the photo last night to upload for a weekend entry. I found it today in some WhatsApp shots. 

Today I walked to Waitrose cafe for a meeting. It's sad that none of us have big enough offices in which to meet clients. Found out that nothing much had happened at work while I'd been away. One of my colleagues had had serious heart trouble, though, which is worrying. Got a lift home after the meeting. 

Carried on working. Made lunch. Worked on. When I finished, I got into bed and fell asleep! I did not sleep well last night, I blame a slice of unripe pineapple. I am back in bed now, about to watch some rubbish tv on my laptop. Friend D has heard that there are far-right riots in Cheltenham. He says that he hopes the guys who run his favourite Indian restaurant will be ok, because "they're nice people, born here". My mother is also nice, and she was born "there" in Elgin, Calcutta. The British Empire is partly responsible for why we have immigrants from former colonies. Why does no one ever mention that? I think my mother is safe in her care home nearer Elgin, Moray, than Calcutta, / Kolkata, and D is safe from my remarks because I'm tired. I hope everyone else will be safe too, though I fear otherwise. 

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