curns' corner

By curns


I've been getting up quite late and feeling drained when I wake up. I don't know what the cause is. I managed to get a large bowl of fruit chopped and eaten with some yoghurt before the first of the revised team meetings. I couldn't attend the second one because it clashed with a meeting with my boss. We overran our half-hour slot, but it was very productive. There were plenty of other discussions about our work as we've had the first set of questions back from one of our clients.

I took 45 minutes for my lunch. I was quite impressed with myself. In that time, I chopped and made a lentil salad, which was delicious; I made my tea with a proper 4-minute brew, washed up and sanded - and rinsed - the outside doors so that another coat of varnish could be applied this evening. If only I could be that productive all the time.

Later, I went to Tai Chi. Although it was another warm Wednesday evening, it was a bit humid, and the sky threatened rain, so we practised inside. The group was a bit smaller, probably due to the holidays, so we focused on 'harmony' as a single group—it was quite an interesting exercise.

When I returned, PY applied another coat of varnish to the doors, so they were probably weatherproof. Another coat will be needed to finish them properly. We closed the day with an episode of Schitt's Creek.

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