
By middleman


Summat of a lower key day, the gadding about much less than recently.

Still, off to the Modern Art for another look at the great Do Ho Suh exhibition and to grab some lunch - where we bumped into an old friend who works for the galleries, lovely as always to see you Helen! - before heading over the road to The Dean (Modern Two if you prefer) for an hour at the Women In Revolt exhibition. Bit pushed for time, we'll go back for the rest of it another day, it's on 'til January, think we'll be OK.

Some pedalling out back and track cycling from Paris on the telly at home before a trip to the local multiplex in the evening for Deadpool & Wolverine - one of us had seen it already (so she obviously likes it), another of us got a reasonably decent snooze in and me...I just got quite bored quite quickly. Soz Ryan.

"I believe in miracles"

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