
By middleman


Another day of gadding about.

A very tasty and very reasonably-priced lunch at The Outsider (not been there for donkey's, back when it was quite the place to go - is it still fashionable, I've no idea) before heading down to see the latest show at Fruitmarket - 'Songs About Roses' by Ghanaian artist Ibrahim Mahama. And it was absolutely terrific, great art that packed a real emotional clout too. Free as always at Fruitmarket so we chucked some money their way with a cafe stop, a couple of coffees anyway, last of the big spenders.

More art with a short visit to that newish fancy gallery at The National, en route to The Traverse for My English Persian Kitchen over teatime, a very nicely performed piece with live cooking on stage. And as the play finished.... ash reshteh was duly served for all.

A couple of Monkey Barrel comedy shows for the evening's entertainment (Ed Night at Hive, followed by Dan Tiernan at the Blair Street venue) and both were hugely enjoyable. Buy a ticket in advance to guarantee entry for these gigs or pay what you want at the venue. We'd actually bought tickets as it was 2 for 1 day, just a few quid each, but it looked like everyone got in who wanted to so think we'll just be rocking up in the future for sure whenever we happen to be free.

Got home for Olympics catch-up and chats with one of our daughters who's come over from Glasgow for a couple of nights....just can't get rid of them ;-)

On Today's Playlist

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