Life through the lens...

By ValC

Lucky heather.

A phone call this morning from my sister to say brother-in-law was in hospital.
Nothing to worry about.
However we went over to see her to find out what had happened.
He is in for tests which hopefully will sort out why he is feeling very tired and has a low blood count.
Hopefully, as she said, nothing serious.
One of our great nieces was there. Haven’t seen her for a few years and it was nice to have a catchup with her. Just left collage and has a job as teaching assistant while waiting to join the fire service.

Tonight had a phone call and lovely long catchup with our granddaughter.

Now watching the Olympics again and so a very quick photo and EB.

I picked this heather yesterday and the little vase is one bought in Cornwall back in the 1960s. Mum always said a sprig if heather for luck.

Weather has been dull and wet after a bright sunny day first thing.
Thankfully no watering to do tonight.

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