That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Sunny Sunflowers

Don't they look cheery - and big!

We took the Flumlet out to the first day of the Balgone Sunflower Trail in East Lothian, where paths have been created within the field of sunflowers. We could wander at leisure and eventually borrow secateurs and, for a modest fee,  cut some to take home. We bought six heads of our own choosing, sometimes treading between the stems for a particularly gorgeous flower, always careful not to disturb the bumble bees busy gathering pollen (see extra of the Flumlet pretending to be a sunflower).

Once back at Flum Central we undid the bands on the tie-dyed bag from our earlier amended design and ironed it to fix the dye ready to show B & S. We'll be continuing next week, this time on the other side of the bag but after school.

And so ends our Flumlet Holiday Fun, roll on half-term!

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