
By BoydMcAdam

Pre-strike Festival

The local authorities and the Scottish Government today presented a new offer to the unions to seek to resolve the threatened strike action planned for next week. Refuse collection is one of the key services to be affected and in Edinburgh we recall a festival time a few years ago when the rubbish piled high and stank.

Today on the Royal Mile, ahead of the strike, some work needs to be done!!

The crowds were thronging. Leaflets were being handed out. And street performers were doing their thing. An extra shows one.

Speaking of stench, I had thought of going to see New Reekie, the nickname given to Amorphophallus titanum (a titan arum) or corpse plant. It has been flowering at the Botanics every couple of years now and gives off a smell of rotting flesh.

I discovered however that it “flowers” for just 2 days and the (free) event was ticketed - with all tickets now allocated. Maybe in 2 years time?

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