For the family

By RonaMac

Busy patterns

Tired after our busy day yesterday. It was our quilting group meeting this morning. I was determined to get started on my Japanese fabric and checked out that I would have sufficient. The pattern doesn’t have measurements, these need to be calculated. The two ladies sitting across the table from me helped with the numbers. 

I took several ‘jobs’ to work on for variety. This included ironing fabrics to cut out a Dresden Plate, and finished knitting yesterday’s Super Hero.

I collected Olive on the way home and S came to dinner straight from work. We had a great evening which included the Olympics. B was a tutor and athletics coach for Uk Athletics for many years and as the women’s heptathlon was showing on the TV he was able to explain to S about  the scoring and training. 

It reminded me that he would tutor two weekend courses a month for coaches and run two evenings coaching sessions a week, plus a Sunday morning if he wasn’t tutoring, for his group of athletes.

We spent lots of time at athletics meetings in the days when Jenny Meadows, Jessica Ennis-Hill, and Katrina Johnson-Thompson were competing. Fascinating to see these young ladies develop over the years and what they have achieved / are achieving. 

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