Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

The difficulty of agreeing

I’d agreed to meet the last two fellow committee members of Keep Oban Beautiful this morning - the third member signed off last week - to discuss the future of the group and bring up some projects I wanted to talk about. It wasn’t a very easy discussion as they both think that we never do anything, but that’s largely because I find it difficult to get the council or other bodies to agree to my proposals. If they reply at all, that is - certainly not for want of trying on my behalf! I wasn’t very happy to be told that ‘Keep Oban Beautiful’ is dead! Enough of that. I had a positive reply to an email to the council this afternoon - watch this space!
Came home and after lunch did some gardening, dead-leafing a young palm and dead-wooding a fuchsia, before the rain began. Then it was back to photographs and some amazing historical findings while researching some of the buildings in my pictures. All very exciting.
My EB today is of another plant in my favourite family, Gesneriaceae. This is x Achimenantha 'Inferno', a hybrid between an Achimenes and a Smithiantha. Another one of the group which grows from rhizomes and dies back during the winter.
Quote of the Day: ‘A beautiful plant is like having a friend around the house.’– Beth Ditto.

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