
By mambo

Indian Summer

Went to The Penny Bun at Askwith to meet some of my Silver Swan friends. Was given a lift by P because she is quite new to our area and didn’t know the way.
We shared starters of pea and mint arancini, the best arancini l’ve ever eaten. Then l chose a double baked cheese soufflé with a ceaser salad and sourdough .No room for pudding but l did have a flat white which was a  good coffee too.
P told us it is her birthday on Sunday so we all decided to club together and pay for her lunch.

Spent the rest of the afternoon tidying up one of my spare bedrooms which  had become a bit of a dumping ground, looking much better now.

Extra of Kitty ( sent by my daughter )  as she arrived at National Youth Ballet residential with her sister’s, other two not up for photographs these days!

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