
By fennerpearson

The Tetley

This building was once the head office of Tetley's Brewery, built in 1931 and apparently "in the Art Deco style", although I can't see that myself. Mind you, I'm no expert. 

From 2013 until 2023 it served as a contemporary art gallery, which I'm sorry I missed. Still, it's now run by Kirkstall Brewery and that's no bad thing.

The Minx and I met up there with Milly and Hannah, this evening, for Milly's 'Farewell to Leeds': this weekend she is moving to her mum's for a couple of weeks and then relocating to London. 

Our meet up might have been overshadowed by the right wing riots planned for this evening, but as it turned out the news was rather joyful with large numbers of people turning out in counter-protests and nothing but damp squibs for the racists.
Everything's better under Labour. 

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