Desperately seeking

By clickychick


Not much going on here. Don't bother looking in the water, there are no goldfishes.

There was however, a lot going on in my day.. I got on with a bit of design for posters and leaflets in the morning but didn't quite finish before I had to go into town for eyelash tinting. I have such sparse, short eyelashes that it's quite hard to use mascara.

After that appointment I went and sat in a cafe to finish my designing before I went over the road to the printers.

When I got home I walked around the village with my newly printed posters and stopped for coffee and a chat at the swimming pool. I wandered home and stood and chatted. It was then I thought "Oh, a Friday night sherry will be nice.!" 

"SHERRY? What sherry? What time is it?"  Drat, my shopping delivery was due 15 minutes ago! Starts to hurry along hoping to flag the driver down leaving the estate. Not a van in sight. Hoping I will be later on his delivery list. Waiting till 7pm. No sign of him at the end of the slot.

"Come back with my shopping!" Has he taken my sherry and weekend whisky back to the store? No. At 7.50pm he arrived with shopping and apologies. An accident had held up traffic and he was out of phone signal and his electronic device had gone down so he could access my number.

Settled down to more designing - a t-shirt logo this time. Photoshop has been well used today.

All's well that ends well.

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