Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

What a beautiful sunny day…

I went to the Community Cafe for a quick coffee and bacon butty but couldn’t resist trying the Bangladeshi Broad Bean Badgi which was one of the specials. Some months ago the Octopus Restaurant caught fire and by some fluke of weather conditions the fire alarm was only heard over the bay but not by any nearby properties. By the time the Fire Brigade was called it was beyond saving. Happily the rebuild is about to start. Two of their staff are Bangladeshi and have been loaned to the Community Cafe pending the eventual reopening of the Octopus. A couple of weeks ago I had a delicious vegetarian curry and this broad bean dish was also very tasty.The owners of the Octopus also have another restaurant serving Bangladeshi food so I must give it a go.
Two hours later after 3 cups of coffee and a lot of chat I set off for home clutching a delicious looking take away salad they made for my meal this vending. Who needs to prepare food when they have such a helpful cafe just down the road!

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