Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


Our visitors left today to head home and we have been tidying round and doing a few jobs that needed doing now they have gone.  It was a lovely visit and we thoroughly enjoyed having them but it's always nice to get back to normal!

We have eaten and drunk far more than we would normally do while they were here so are looking forward to a few light days on the food front, but I still needed to nip into town to get something for tonight's meal.  I walked past this greengrocers/general store in town which is aways popular but tiny; with all the produce laid around the shop there is only ever enough room inside for one customer.  It offers old fashioned service too; you ask the owner for what you want and they find it and serve it to you.

I confess I don't tend to shop there simply because the other greengrocers in town is bigger so it is easier to wander round and see what looks good on the day and pick the best items from the display.  Long may this little shop survive, though.

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