
By Grammy

Eastern Pondhawk

It was supposed to be cooler and less humid today. I made a quick breakfast and decided to deadhead my butterfly bushes. Hoo boy, it was not less humid. This dragonfly was flitting all over the white crepe myrtle tree by my “she shed.” I was surprised to get a shot as clear as this. Of course, it would not stop at a white flower so it showed up better. I stayed outside for about 90 minutes and just had to go in. I got a great start on the dead heading, picked the tomatoes and fed the birds. I was a total sweat ball; thank goodness for the person who invented showers! Hubby is studying “Acts” in the Bible to prepare for his Greece pilgrimage. They will be following in St. Paul’s footsteps on this trip. There will be too much walking on steep surfaces and tons of stairs for me. And I am not fond of typical Greek food. My loss for sure. Renee brought me a bowl of freshly made marinara sauce (used my tomatoes). I thawed Italian sausage. Hubby shopped for the missing ingredients. I made my sister and BIL and us each a baked ziti. They want to cook theirs so it will be fresh and bubbly when they are ready for it. Hubby has a Knight’s event tomorrow morning that includes Mass. I will go with him instead tonight’s 5:00 Liturgy. I am ready for some Kindle time. My book, set in DC, promises to be interesting. Hoping your weekend is going well. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “When a dragonfly flutters by, you may not realize, but it's the greatest flier in nature." - Louie Schwartzberg

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