
By MerrilHope


Not a good day.

This is Gamze. One of many street cats "ownerless animals". She's about ten weeks old and along with her doting mum and siblings, she appeared on my patio not long after Robin the cat magnet arrived and we've been feeding them for the last ten days.  This morning Gamze got hit by a car and has a broken front leg and some nasty looking cuts and wounds.  When they opened at 11am, I walked to the local vet with the kitten swaddled in a towel only to learn that she doesn't have pins that are small enough for the surgery necessary on this wee one's badly broken limb, so we contacted the Belediye (council) animal shelter who sent the street animal ambulance out to get her mid afternoon. While waiting for them, Gamze rested in the box in my kitchen.  Rufus was concerned - animals always know, don't they? 

The shelter will call with news but probably not until Monday - maybe later. 

Meanwhile, Robin left at 9am with the car hired/airport transfer to go back to Baku via Istanbul,  and so I had a solitary and rather mournful day of laundry and chores with the Olympics on in the background, keeping an eye of Gamze and worrying about her. With no car it wasn't possible to get her to the large veterinary practice some 20km distant, where I have been taking Rufus for his damaged and infected tail.  

Early evening Rufus and I went for a walk that included going to Ünüvar restaurant where I bought a take away pizza and Rufus, as usual, was fussed over by the waiters and random children while we waited.

An at home evening of crochet, Olympics and social media and rather melancholy mood. 

Fingers crossed for little Gamze. Her mum and siblings came for supper and playtime on the patio as usual. having a grand time. Life can be so unfair. 

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