
By Livresse

Last day

A great last full day -  first we went to the Christiania, an alternative community of 1000 people that has existed since 1971. It is colourful and interesting so we spent a good couple of hours exploring it, stopping off in one café for breakfast, and another to buy pastries. The weather deteriorated so we had a dull walk into the centre of Copenhagen before it started raining and we took refuge in a restaurant for lunch of open sandwiches. 
It cleared again so we went to Tivoli Gardens. spent a lot of time soaking the atmosphere. Later we had a single ride on a roller-coaster - it turned out to be quite tame but still fun. 

On the way back to the accommodation, we stopped half-way and walked through the University campus between two stations so that SR could show me what he liked yesterday evening. 

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