My Best Efforts - Year 3


Sizzling St. Swithins Day!..........

.....................and really hot - if the old rhyme comes true, it looks as if this weather will continue. Just in case there are some who are not familiar with this rhyme it goes as follows:

St Swithin's Day, if thou dost rain,
For forty days it will remain:
St. Swithin's Day, if thou be fair.
For forty days 'twill rain nae mair.

Swithun was an Anglo-Saxon bishop of Winchester and subsequently patron saint of Winchester Cathedral. His historical importance as bishop is overshadowed by his reputation for posthumous miracle-working.

I met Anni for lunch in Spalding and she suggested I visit Ayscoughfee Hall and Gardens for my pic. for today. Said good-bye to her and off I went. Parked up and walked the short distance to the entrance - got as far as the Gardens - it was SO hot, I almost collapsed! The large ponds were being cleaned so, naturally did not look their best!
However, the Hall is most attractive and I was able stand under a tree to quickly get my picture.
Built in the 1450s, many of the Hall's owners have left their mark on the building, resulting in a fascinating glimpse into history from the Medieval to the Victorian.
The Hall is set in five acres of beautiful gardens which feature a War Memorial by the celebrated architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, a children's play area, a café and much more.
I shall visit again when it is not SO DAMNED HOT!

Incidentally, Rembrandt was born this day 407 years ago.

It is now 7.15pm and it is still 80deg.F - no further comment!!

Sleep tight if you can keep cool!

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