
By PorridgeWog

Sun hat (Day 3380)

Awake too early again, and after wandering Sigyn and having breakfast I got on with some stuff around the house. The weather was really rubbish so indoor tasks seemed a good plan.
The weather seemed to improve by lunchtime and I headed out with Sigyn. Typically there was thick drizzle for the entire time we were out of the truck, and I had left my jacket at home.
Back home for lunch, then Sigyn and I headed across to Stromness. I dropped Sigyn at Mum's, then headed to the horses. The weather got much much better and I spent a while in the sunshine with the horses. George didn't mind wearing my hat, and Robin was too busy being scratched and scratching George to notice that I had put it on him (extra)
Coffee with Mum before heading back home. The wee pup is growing like a weed at the moment.
Sigyn and I await the return of my beautiful wife.

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