talloplanic views

By Arell

Edinburgh 15.7 miles

After an unplanned long lie-in I spent the rest of the morning doing some research into hi-fi bits and pieces.  My spare bedroom is a de facto study-cum-den and necessarily has not just computer desk but music, both for listening to and playing.  And then somehow it was lunchtime.  I was so tired I could have gone back to sleep, sitting in the baking sunshine.

Instead, I cycled out on Mirabel part of the way into town, returning to check the locations of two milestones I might blip one day, after a tip-off from Mum yesterday.  A brief supermarket dash for milk and then home the quiet way.  The cranks were clicking like mad and so far I had determined that it's not my knees, my pedals, my shoes, and it's not one particular chainring.  When I got home I had the bright idea to check the bolts that hold the chainrings on, and half of them were loose.  Hmm.  So I whipped off the cranks and spent the rest of the afternoon putting it back together with new grease.  It might solve the problem, or it might not.

After a quick tea and brief WhatsApp with lovely bestie who was about to ride home the long way, it was still warm and sunny so on the pretext of looking for another old and very sunken milestone I decided to give Fidra a little run.  Out along the Auchencorth Moss road, in case anyone was flying model aeroplanes, then through the canyon of Deepsyke Forest to West Linton, through the village, then east to pick up the A701 and then to mosey back home.  I think 27 miles was far enough.

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