
By BikerBabe

This blip contains Beeswax

Wow, today was a warm one! A lovely dry heat though and very bearable.

The day began with hanging out some washing on the line followed by a cool breezy ride to work on l'Biscuite. There was enough to do but not too bonkers and so the day sailed by.

During some down time I applied a nice coat of Beeswax to my motorcycle boots - thank you Bestie I will bring it back soon - that will hopefully make them a little more deluge-proof, if that's the correct technical term for such weather.

As is the benefit of riding home in such a meditative fashion, the long route was taken, taking 10 minutes to occupy one of my favourite benches at Marple Junction. Sometimes it's nice to just breathe.

Upon arriving home the dry washing was taken in and another load popped in the washer. The weather looks fine so it will be hung out before bed & can stay out tomorrow day if not dry by the morning.

Time to have a shower and relax for a couple of hours before Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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