A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

More Touring

Today the six Morris Minors and 2 back up vehicles travelled through Northallerton, Great Ayton and on to Saltburn. However when we arrived the town was full! Plan B saw us go to Kirkleatham Walled Garden for lunch then we looked around the museum.

After lunch the group split and the 2 groups of 3 classics made their way back to camp using different routes.

Once back I decided to take Matilda home so I didn’t have to do it in the morning. One of our members kindly followed me home then drove me back to camp. On the way back I took this photo next to Scruton Station (Wensleydale Railway).

My extra is the same car with its owner Amanda. She wanted to show off her best in show trophy. Tomorrow we head back home, I have plans in place for next year already.

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