Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Sandaig Island

My favourite place to go in Glenelg. Another lovely day but the cloud cover kept it at a pleasant temperature, otherwise, the time spent on the beach would have been too hot. I found 9 cowrie shells, Martin found 1 and Dad spent the whole time we were there looking and found about 16! We were told we had to stay until Dave had found one too and when we did finally leave 3 or so hours later, he had found 2. Euan managed the walk so well today, walking by himself the whole way down and only needed carried once we got half way along the forestry track, 3/4 of the way back to the car! Considering we start at the top of a hill, walk down, play, then walk back, he did exceptionally well.

Back to the house for veggi chilli with nan bread and rice. A bit of a muddled "use up what is in the freezer" tea which turned out rather well. The kids were both exhausted again after the heat of the day and the exertion and were in bed sharp and we were not late either. Off to Ballater in the morning.

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