The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Windy Day

We should have been off to Elie to join in their harbour festival along with Dunbar SC. Anchoring up, BBQ, evening ceilidh… that was the plan. But with 40+mph winds there was a decision to head to sheltered Anstruther and get the bus instead… well, much of the appeal was gone. Well done the three boats that did set out. 
Alternative plans for tomorrow were joined and coming back from our victualling trip I got a call. A buoy on the harbour wall! Actually I did clamber down but the wind was howling much more than this shot suggests so I thought I’d just leave it. Gosh, indeed.
And then a visit to see K who has now started his treatment. As well as viewing a few finals at the Olympics, we had the joy of Dundee v Hearts to take in. Three nil down at half time. Maybe we’re not as good as we think. Or maybe Dundee are better than we think. Or maybe it was just a bad day at the office. Maybe maybe maybees. At least we’re still above Hibs.

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