
By Farmerboab

Oh Rowan Tree.......

Another day of cattle work.
Despite this morning's thundery downpours ,managed to sort through the last lot of weaned cows in the shed and run them out to their various fields.
Then it was next door to tag a couple of young calves and rodeo in some cows ready for the foot trimmer coming tomorrow.
Then after lunch sent Kev to muck out the shed ready for working in tomorrow when he comes to do the 12 cows needing a pedicure.
I spent the afternoon hauling the last 30 weaned calves to their fields . That's 180 odd I've shifted in the last two weeks,six or seven in a trailer load.
Then a quick check of the calving cows before a trip down the road to feed the heifers tonight. Noticed a few of the neighbours have cut winter barley over the weekend. We don't have any this year,it's all spring barley and oats so I'm kind of worried that all my eggs are in one basket if the weather doesn't play ball.
The rowan trees are absolutely loaded with berries already. Don't know if this is a good or a bad sign....
Ho hum.......

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