
By LesTension


It's Mono Monday and the theme is Memory
It was Downtown Night in Elkhart Lake tonight.  It's an event sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce.  Every restaurant in town and some from out of town are there selling food.  You'd gain 20 pounds if you ate at all of them.  Being Wisconsin, there was plenty of beer to wash it down.  Lots of local organizations use the event as a money raiser. Animals for the kids, a rock wall to climb, dunk tank..........kept mom and dad busy shelling out dollars for the kids to try things....like tossing a ping pong ball into a jar to win a goldfish.
I saw plenty of old students I hadn't seen in years and it's always fun catching up on what they are doing.  It's particularly interesting to see how some of the less than enthusiastic students in high school turned out to be fine citizens.  I met one particular ex-student and one of her sons...see photo.  I see her regularly as she's one of my photo students and has been for quite a while.  She's a fine shooter in her own right and I have many memories of her learning her craft.
I shot a few frames at her wedding...something I get asked to do quite regularly by former students.  It's quite flattering to have happen, actually, but I always say that I am an action sports photographer and really not very good at wedding photography.  I really don't have to time to do the things that qualified wedding shooters do like making memory books, etc.  They couldn't afford me and I couldn't afford the time necessary to do it...I'm way too busy at the track.  I reassure them it would be in their best interests to get a pro to get it done right but that I would make a few shots just for them..  That said......I have shot weddings for students most of whom I have known since they were in diapers when  I know the family can't afford to get a wedding pro...so I do it pro bono.  I give them digital files and if they want prints they have to go to a vendor and have them made....but that's a lot less expensive than hiring a pro you can't afford.

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