
By tridral

Meddwl awyr las

Meddwl awyr las

Meddwl awyr las ~ Blue sky thinking

“I’d pay anything to make sure this music does what it’s always meant to do: Let people know they ain’t alone. See, we all got the blues. That’s the human condition. But those blues don’t mean we got to grieve. Those blues will warm your heart. When the groove gets to your gut, those blues, brother, turn sad to glad.”
― Buddy Guy

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Mae stori'r diwrnod yn ymwneud â chi strae o'r enw 'Stanley' - daeargi Albanaidd. Rhywsut fe aeth i mewn i'n gardd. Yn ffodus roedd nifer ffôn a chyfeiriad ar ei goler e. Ar ôl fforio’r nifer ac yn gadael neges clymais i ddarn o linyn at ei goler ac aethon ni am dro o gwmpas y strydoedd. Gwnaeth e droi allan dydy Stanley ddim yn byw ar ei gyfeiriad. Roedd e byw gyda merch y perchennog - yn agosach ein tŷ ni. Cwrddais i â'r ferch fel roeddwn i ar fy ffordd i'r tŷ hi. Roedd hi'n ddiolchgar iawn i weld Stanley eto. Mae’n un ffordd i od i adnabod y cymdogion. Maen nhw'n byw mewn un 'o'r llawer o dai sy'n wrth ymyl ein gardd (maen nhw’n gallu gweld ein cwt myfyrdod). Felly diolch i Stanley am y cyfle i ddangos tipyn bach o gymdogrwydd.

Yn y prynhawn es i i'r pentref ac i'r ceiropractydd. Tynnais i’r ffotograff hon yn y lle gwyrdd ger y ceiropractydd..

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The story of the day is about a stray dog called 'Stanley' - a Scottish terrier. Somehow it got into our garden. Luckily there was a phone number and address on his collar. After researching the number and leaving a message I tied a piece of string to his collar and we went for a walk around the streets. It turned out Stanley doesn't live at his address. He lived with the owner's daughter - closer to our house. I met the daughter as I was on my way to her house. She was very grateful to see Stanley again. It's one way to get to know the neighbours. They live in one of the many houses next to our garden (they can see our meditation hut). So thanks to Stanley for the opportunity to show a little bit of neighbourliness.

In the afternoon I went to the village and to the chiropractor. I took this photograph in the green space near the chiropractor.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Awyr las, to a brig choeden
Description (English): Blue sky, roof and treetop.

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