
By tridral

Neges ddirgel

Neges ddirgel ~ Mysterious message

“I repeat: In order for a book to exist, it is sufficient that it be possible. Only the impossible is excluded. For example, no book is also a staircase, though there are no doubt books that discuss and deny and prove that possibility, and others whose structure corresponds to that of a staircase.”
― Jorge Luis Borges, (The Library of Babel, 1941, Dangerous Dimensions - Mind-bending Tales of the Mathematical Weird, edited by Henry Bartholomew p282)
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Mae gwesteion gyda ni yfory, felly treulion ni'r rhan fwyaf o'r dydd yn glanhau ac yn paratoi gwelyau. Ar wahân i hynny, cyrhaeddodd fy nghas ffôn. Mae e'n (it) cario neges ddirgel (mysterious message). Mae e'n (it) dweud 'protection of God' ar y pecyn. Efallai bod hyn yn ei olygu bydd yn amddiffyn y ffôn rhag 'Gweithredoedd Duw'. Pwy a ŵyr?

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We have guests tomorrow, so we spent most of the day cleaning and making beds. Other than that, my phone case arrived. It carries a mysterious message. It says 'protection of God' on the package. Perhaps this means it will protect the phone from 'Acts of God'. Who knows?

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cas ffôn newydd
Description (English): A new phone case

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