
By dogwithnobrain

We've got to say Good Bye for the Summer

Aurora last night, but not very bright where i was, a mere whisper. 

Still the prospect of it kept me up til 3 checking the readings....   

But hey- at least I felt better, and could get up and down the stairs without crying. 

Work was busy, and a tad concerning.   But nothing I can't cope with.   I'll have to wait and see how things turn out. 

I got head hunted last week, and I contemplated it, for a minute I did.  The job was mine - seriously - the job description was a perfect match for mine,  I was slightly concerned that perhaps my boss was testing me, but it turned out not. 

I asked some questions, (sounded like i actually know what was talking about).... took the answers, made it sound like I might, and then declined. 

Felt nice, but at this time  of life I think better the devil I know. 

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