Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

South America in the greenhouse

It’s been a wet and windy day today, though as I write this at 4pm the sun has suddenly popped out. For about four minutes. I haven’t been outside, apart from visiting the greenhouse - it just didn’t seem worth the effort! We had a sudden powerful squall just before lunch, with rain battering the windows and the trees and shrubs blowing about crazily. It’s definitely worse since my neighbour cut all his rhododendrons down!
No more moaning. Except to say that when I tried to photograph this bulb for my Blip today it was too windy outside and I had to try it indoors with a curtain as a backdrop! It’s a Rhodophiala of some sort, wild collected and given to me from RBG Edinburgh.  It’s in the Amaryllis family and is native to South America. You won’t be surprised to hear that it’s now considered to be a Zephyranthes, unless, of course, you subscribe to the theory that it should be called Rhodolirium!
Otherwise it’s been sorting more photographs and more writing up of my London tours. I’ve finally found a picture online of where the River Tyburn, or what’s left of it, runs into the Thames.
Quote of the Day: ‘If you’re curious, London’s an amazing place.’ - photographer David Bailey.

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