..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


Typically I went out with something in mind and came back with something else.
Sunset was looking promising, a check of photo ephemeris showed the sun setting directly NW down Ennerdale Water. We planned to be on the SE shore at 20:00 and hiked down from Bowness with a few landscape shots along the way. In position in good time on the SE shore I was immediately accosted by midges and although I had applied Smidge liberally I had not applied it to my top lip and so Wing Commander Midge pressed home his attack on my undefended lip.
I was sitting on the shoreline, nursing a swelling top lip and wishing the sun would set faster before the next squadron came in to attack when the Lord provided my natural defence in the shape of a Keeled Skimmer.
She flew in and landed directly between my legs, eyes up with an "I've got you covered"  kind of look.
Luckily I'd just swapped over to my 16-70 and was able to focus at very short range.  Miss Skimmer didn't hang around long and so with my defences down and a decent image in the bag we decided to break for home. 
In extras, a very small frog (or toad?) which was checking me out from behind a blade of grass..

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