
By bivbov

Tuesday indulgence

We sacrificed breakfast at the weekend because we knew we could have breakfast today.

I had an early walk with Greengirl, which was a great way to start the day.

I have thought long and hard about my expectations, but have settled on the idea that my life is not normal. My life hasn’t been ‘normal’ for a very long time. Nor is it the life I want, more importantly.

I set out as a mother who worked reluctantly, and was forced into being a reluctant worker who struggled to parent. This is not a fulfilling life for me, and I will never consider it to be ok for me or my boys.

On that note, I spent my evening sorting out my mortgage and how I would continue to pay for it on my own….along with my other bills… I always have! Other people spend their time pursuing their special interests.

Yes, I am a little upset about it all.

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