
By MsQuizzical

A Hole In The Canopy

UK Power Networks sent a team to our neighbourhood to cut back hedges and trees which were growing too close to their high voltage wires. Even if the foliage doesn't touch the wires electricity can arc.

They have cut a rectangular chunk out of our southerly hedge and similar at adjoining properties. Shame that a healthy young ash tree had to go as we have lost so many to ash die-back disease. Also a bit sad that some of the boughs of the venerable oak trees along the brook had to be lopped.

Interesting to see the people working with chain saws from cherry-pickers. They also used a conventional saw on the end of a very long pole. Difficult I'd imagine and I guess it would have to be very sharp.

The image top middle shows wires which are attached to the power lines as a sign before work starts so that the operatives can be certain that the power is off.    

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