Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Up to Alcock Tarn

A group of us walked from Grasmere to Alcock* Tarn this morning. I found it a hard slog, but going downhill was worse!

It was raining by lunchtime and the stony path downhill was just slippery enough to be anxiety provoking!

I was pleased with my progress, but quite tired by the time we arrived at Rydal. We stopped to have tea and cake. Then two from another group arrived. Amanda had fallen and injured a finger. I woke up into medic mode. I had an elbow support in my bag, so I put it on her. The staff in the tearoom provided ice to prevent swelling, We then waited for the bus back to Grasmere. It was raining heavily by then. (She ended up in Whitehaven for an X-ray. A ruptured tendon was diagnosed.)

The rest of our group walked back to Grasmere.

It was lovely to have a hot shower then a delicious meal.

Correction* It was Alcock tarn not Angle as I initially said…….duh!

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