Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I’m staying in the Glenthorne Quaker Retreat Centre which acts as a hotel for non Quakers. There are 31 of us women walkers here at the moment. What a noise when we are all talking!

My photo was taken from the field next to the hotel. I’m in the annexe which you can just see over the little hill. It’s fine EXCEPT for the Wi-Fi. I’m hoping that this post will upload.

I had a good journey in fine, sunny weather. The forecast for tomorrow’s walk is wet, windy and wetter. It will be fun I’m sure.

I know a few people but have met Pam from Stocksfield, who is friends with Sharon from Wall, who used to help care for Mum! We have some other mutual friends/acquaintances.

It is very quiet here apart from the Herdwicks outside my window!

Have had to walk back to the house to try to upload this. Grr!

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